Toziuha Night planning lore and map structure

As I said before, this month I will be more relaxed, although I'm working a little bit on the lore and map structure of the game. I have already defined how the areas will be interconnected and about the relationships between the different characters and their motivations.

You can see in the image the organization work using a tool I developed (milanganote). I took pictures in low quality on purpose to avoid showing spoilers xD

What I can tell you is that the game will have three endings, at the beginning the player won't be able to know which is the "canon" ending because the three endings will show the credits. 

Xandria will also be able to do side quests, but unlike most games, these quests will be few (about 8) and will be interconnected and may have consequences in the overall story.

As for bosses, there will be 7 alchemists (the adeptis), two extra alchemists and 4 monster bosses.

The map will not be so extensive, I estimate that if everything goes well it could be about seven times the map of the toziuha night demo (or for reference: almost half the map of bloodstained).

2024 will be the last year of development, so if there are things that don't add to the development of the story I want to tell (like an item creation system, too many powers or extras) then those things won't come out at launch (DLC maybe?). 

Thank you all for your patience :D today is the last day of work. See you in 2024!

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Love the gameplay! ^^