Toziuha Night - How install mods


Mods made for Toziuha Night can do everything the game engine (Godot Engine 3) can do. Including malicious code, caution is advised and download mods from reliable sources, the developer of Toziuha Night is not responsible for damage caused by the use of mods.

What is a Men Mod

Toziuha Night has support for mods that are in “.pck” format, which is the way the game engine reads external files.

If you want to know how to develop mods you can read this guide.

The game will look for PCK files in the folder: “User/Documents/Toziuha Night OotA Mods” and load the data when starting the game. If the game is the Steam version, then in addition it will also be able to find the Workshop files that the user is subscribed to and has activated.

Mods will be able to add/modify game assets (sprites, music, scripts, etc).

Note that mod support will only be enabled on the PC versions of Toziuha Night.

How to install mods

You will need to find the mod files in PCK format on your own and place them in the “User/Documents/Toziuha Night OotA Mods” folder.

If the game is the Steam version, then you can make use of the game's Workshop. Simply browse the workshop and subscribe to the mods you want to have. And inside the Steam launcher you can easily enable/disable mods.

Once you have placed the mods in the right place, simply launch the game and enjoy.

Save files backup

It may happen that some mods can modify the saved game, so if the mod is disabled the savefile may stop working. So it would be a good idea to make backups of the files.

The savefiles can be found in:

Windows: YourUserFolder/AppData/Roaming/ToziuhaNight_OrderOfTheAlchemists/saves

Linux: ~/.local/share/ToziuhaNight_OrderOfTheAlchemists/saves

If the mods (made following the structure defined in the mod making guide) were installed correctly, on the game start screen you will see a brief information about each mod.


This will be a good way to know that if the game breaks or some bug occurs that you want to report to the game developer, you will have to make sure that this option to view mods is not visible, otherwise the bug will be caused by some mod, so you should contact the mod developer.


Toziuha Night: OotA Linux x64 600 MB
Version 43 days ago
Toziuha Night: OotA Windows x64 573 MB
Version 43 days ago

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