Early Access is now available!

After four years of development, I have finally... launched the Early access of the game! This release comes loaded with enough content to be able to see the main mechanics of the game. Several things like the alchemy system (item creation) and several side quests are locked for the moment.

What's next?

The plan now is to see people's comments, bug reports and based on this information different hotfixes will be made to fix small problems.

It is estimated that every two months an update will be released to expand the game map with new areas, characters and secondary missions.

In this initial release you will be able to face four bosses, explore three areas and meet all the main characters.

I look forward to your reviews and support!


Toziuha Night: OotA Windows x64 573 MB
Version 20 days ago
Toziuha Night: OotA Windows x64 573 MB
Version 0.5.0 Oct 07, 2024

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Ya lo tengo en mi lista de deseados ;) Yo era el que te pidió lo de poder desactivar la vibración en el primero xd (charliesan763). Es muy grato ver como te superaste con esta segunda entrega, como solodev no es poco decir.


gracias bro jeje! Esa es la intención ir mejorando y siempre estar atento al feedback de los jugadores