Fan-translations open for Toziuha Night OotA

I have released the translation files for Toziuha Night: OotA on github.

As many of you know, my native language is Spanish. I do my best writing the translation in English, many times I rely on deepL to translate, not having native experience with English, so inevitably many mistakes are made.

I don't have a budget for translations either, everything has been through voluntary help, as it has happened with French and Portuguese. So on github will be available all the translatable text files in .csv format.

Anyone is welcome to take a look at them to find any bugs with my English, or even add new languages. Your translations will be properly credited, I will use your nickname on github to add it to the in-game credits screen.

I for my part officially only guarantee English and Spanish for my game. In the repository I have put a link to a program I developed that may help to facilitate the translation task.

Repository link with translation files:

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(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, how are you?
I'm interested to translate to my language (Brazilian Portuguese) but i have a problem: I don't use Github. How can i do?

hello, thanks! you can download the repo from github (login is not required) and edit the csv files, then you can send me a zip to my email:


Ok, thanks.